We made it back to Charlottesville!
Because our bus rides where shorter this year, and our internet connection was less reliable, it was hard to post much on the blog. But I'm sure you've heard from your Glee Club guys and found out what a great tour it was! Thanks to Quantum (Jonathan Park) for the photos you see here. I'm glad someone brought an actual camera! Our concert on Sunday, March 4th was at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Falls Church, VA, the home church of Bumi (Andrew Orvedahl). The guys had to be there at 2:00 for a 4:00 concert, and after the previous evening's successful performance at the IMC National Seminar in Washington, DC, I noticed that some of them didn't get enough sleep. Not surprising, I guess. We had a great crowd at the church and they were very indulgent of our shortcomings. At Binkley Baptist Church in Chapel Hill, NC, we got to sing in a really unusual space. The One of the church members used to have a small home business making sports towels f...