Oops...we're a little behind!
Sorry for the silence as we make our way to the Carolinas for our Spring Break tour. The guys left Charlottesville on Saturday morning, heading to DC to participate in the National Seminar of Intercollegiate Men's Choruses. IMC was founded in 1914 by the University Glee Club of New York City as a way to provide services to collegiate men's choruses, mostly in New England. As the organization grew and evolved, it started working with secondary school groups as well as adult amateur and professional men's choruses--all with the goal of supporting the unique sounds and repertoire of men's choruses in North America and around the world. The National Seminar (what we call a conference, for some reason) happens every two years. We participated four years ago when it was at Rutgers University. This time, the Seminar was hosted by the Washington Men's Camerata, the adult community chorus I conduct in Washington, DC. You can read more about the Seminar here if you're ...
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